All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 in total

The Gospel

We find good news in 1 Corinthians 15! This is one of our best descriptions of the gospel in the New Testament. And we'll take a closer look today.

In Due Time

Disciples of Christ often talk about peace and rejoicing. Today's passage talks about both in the context of tribulation, which means pressing or distress.

Humble Yourselves

Readers of James 4 and 1 Peter 5 are confronted with a counter-cultural command. They tell us to humble ourselves; to reject our own way, submitting ourselves to God.

Be Saved

Christians used the word "saved" a lot. What do we mean when we talk about salvation? Romans 10 provides details that can help us answer that question.

Better to Trust

Men craft golden crowns for our heads and grant ourselves titles, but we can only exercise the authority God gives. That is why it is better to trust God.

Ransom for All

Disciples of Christ should have a global-mindset in our ministry. We should pray and show concern for all men, knowing Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all.

Keep the Unity

When we come to faith in Christ, we become part of His family. We have unity with others who trust Him. Paul urges us, in Ephesians 4, to keep the unity.

Search Me

David makes a bold and counter-cultural request of God in Psalm 139. Today we examine the ways in which a request like this can be critical to our growth.

More Perfectly

Every person committed to serving God will have gaps in their understanding, that's why He provides brothers and sisters to help, to guide, and to explain.

The People Shouted

Israel's unusual battle plan for capturing Jericho is outlined in Joshua 6. We will consider God's promises, Joshua's obedience, and God's faithfulness today.

After the Spirit

Believers in Christ must live after the Spirit, not after the flesh. We may have questions about what this means. Today, Romans 8 provides the answers.

The Same Mind

Those who trust Christ have been brought into His family. We have unity. The assignment of individuals in the church, according our text, is to maintain it.

I Obtained Mercy

Paul writes about the mercy he obtained through Christ in 1 Timothy chapter 1. His personal testimony should remind us of the mercy we have also received.

Some Other Man

God is preparing to bring one man to Himself in Acts 8. He is preparing another man to use his understanding of scripture to present that other man the gospel.

Spiritual Understanding

Paul and Timothy prayed for the church at Colosse. They were showing love for others, but (like all believers) had room to grow in spiritual understanding.

All Things

We survey the New Testament for verses featuring the phrase "all things" today. These passages of scripture are packed with helpful application. 

The Chastening of the Lord

Everyone who believes in Christ should be struggling against sin. We often fail in our struggle. When we do, God chastens us. That's today's topic.

Be Obedient

The Bible has instructions on obedience for children, parents, and servants in Ephesians 6. We discuss the attitude and heart behind our obedience today.

Who am I?

When called by God to lead the people of Israel out of bondage in Egypt, Moses asked who am I? The answer was God's chosen, prepared, and empowered leader.


Today we discuss the importance of review from Hebrews 11 and make the case: "These are stories, lessons, and examples so rich, review cannot exhaust them." 

Fiery Trial

Believers in Christ should not be surprised by persecution. Jesus told us we would face persecution. What should our disposition be when a fiery trial comes?

Good Days

Even disciples of Christ that suffer persecution can love life and have good days according to 1 Peter 3. We take a closer look at the details on this edition.

As He Walked

People who know Christ as Savior ought to walk as He walked. That means obeying His commands, while maintaining a close relationship with Him every day. 

Well Able

When things get difficult in Numbers 13, the people of Israel take their eyes off God. They see only their circumstances and fail to see the promises of God.

The Resurrection

There is a fascinating interaction between Jesus and Martha in the account of Lazarus' resurrection. It explains why Jesus had the power to raise him up.

To Serve

The scriptures explain why and how every Christian is expected to serve. In this episode, we define the word and discuss three things to remember about it.


We look to the scriptures to define a common word in the New Testament: exhort. Passages in Acts and Hebrews help us understand this important duty for Christians.

From the Heart

Our passage of the day in Romans 6 reminds us why and how we are able to have victory over sin through Christ. It says we can obey daily from the heart.

Concerning Himself

After Jesus' resurrection, He meets two men on their way to Emmaus. These disciples need to hear the teaching He provides from scripture concerning Himself.

Great Gulf

The rich man in Luke 16 had a life of comfort and ease, while in eternity he suffered only torments. Why did the beggar Lazarus experience exactly the opposite? 

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