Take Note is a live radio program heard weekdays on Harvest Family Radio, Guam. The podcast version features a ten-minute recap of one of our favorite programs from the previous week, minus the music.

Latest Episodes

The Gospel

We find good news in 1 Corinthians 15! This is one of our best descriptions of the gospel in the New Testament. And we'll take a closer look today.

In Due Time

Disciples of Christ often talk about peace and rejoicing. Today's passage talks about both in the context of tribulation, which means pressing or distress.

Humble Yourselves

Readers of James 4 and 1 Peter 5 are confronted with a counter-cultural command. They tell us to humble ourselves; to reject our own way, submitting ourselves to God.

Be Saved

Christians used the word "saved" a lot. What do we mean when we talk about salvation? Romans 10 provides details that can help us answer that question.

Better to Trust

Men craft golden crowns for our heads and grant ourselves titles, but we can only exercise the authority God gives. That is why it is better to trust God.

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