Take Note is a live radio program heard weekdays on Harvest Family Radio, Guam. The podcast version features a ten-minute recap of one of our favorite programs from the previous week, minus the music.
Latest Episodes
Continue in Prayer
Paul provides an important list of reminders for the Colossians as he wraps up their epistle. We'll examine that list today in Colossians 4:1-6.

The Righteous
The Proverbs provide wisdom and advice on life, contrasting righteousness and evil, encouraging diligence and exposing laziness. Today we focus on Proverbs 10.

Walk Honestly
Disciples who live with the words of Romans 13 in mind can have a genuine ministry. It quotes Old Testament commands and provides New Testament explanations.

The Gospel
We find good news in 1 Corinthians 15! This is one of our best descriptions of the gospel in the New Testament. And we'll take a closer look today.

In Due Time
Disciples of Christ often talk about peace and rejoicing. Today's passage talks about both in the context of tribulation, which means pressing or distress.